Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS)
Is your child due for their regular checkup? We bulk bill CDBS-eligible patients so you don’t have any out-of-pocket costs!
The CDBS is a scheme by Medicare Australia to provide eligible children with up to $1,026 for basic dental services. Services that can be claimed under this scheme include basic checkups, cleans, fluoride, x-rays, fissure sealants, fillings and extractions.
When making an appointment for your child under this scheme, please provide your child’s Medicare number and bring along their Medicare card.
For more information, check out the Medicare website or Contact Us today.
Ts & Cs: Valid for children between the ages of 2-17 years who are eligible for the Medicare Child Dental Benefits Scheme.

Children’s teeth begin forming before birth. As early as four months, the first primary, or baby teeth, erupt through the gums. All 20 of the primary teeth usually appear by age three, although their pace and order of eruption varies.
Permanent teeth begin appearing around age six. This process will continue until approximately age 21. To help ensure oral health and a lifetime of good oral care habits follow these key preventive measures:
Limit sugar intake to help prevent tooth decay.
Make sure children get enough fluoride, either through drinking water or as a treatment at the dentist’s office to strengthen tooth enamel and resist decay. Our recommendation: Tooth mouse.
Consider dental sealants. Dental sealants to provide a further layer of protection against cavities. They’re made of plastic and are bonded to the teeth by the dental team.
Teach kids to brush and floss regularly and properly. Try creating ways to make brushing and flossing fun for your child in order to encourage a good oral health routine.